Version 7.3.2

Beantrader Latinum version 7.3.2 is a bugfix release.

The most important changes are listed in this document.


  • Added six additional Huobi or Huobi Cloud exchanges listed below [^1]

  • Added Kraken Futures (KRAKENFUTURES) alias for Crypto Facilities

  • Added OKEx Korea (OKEXKR)

  • Improved Binance order book update speed - now 4x faster

  • Fixed Crypto Facilities and Qryptos

  • Fixed potential app freeze when streaming Binance order books

  • Fixed stuck [not updating] Binance order books

  • Upgraded to Bitstamp WebSocket API v2

  • Removed HBUS, QuadrigaCX, and WEX

[^1]: List of Huobi or Huobi Cloud exchanges added:

     * HUOBIKR - Huobi Korea
     * HUOBIJP - Huobi Japan
     * HUOBIID - Huobi Indonesia
     * HUOBIRU - Huobi Russia
     * HUOBIAR - Huobi Argentina
     * HUOBITH - Huobi Thailand